The Fashion Forever Green Pact is a call to immediate action for the fashion industry—brands, retailers,
and manufacturers alike— to adopt responsible sourcing in support of the world’s forests.
The Pact Commitments
Responsible Procurement
Make a public statement to address the risks of sourcing from all forests, including the valuable ancient and endangered areas.
Certified Sourcing
Ensure sustainable sourcing of FSC®-certified fibres within Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres, rubber, or cork from FSC-certified suppliers within a year of joining the Pact.
Labeled products
Share your contribution and remain transparent by labelling at least one collection with the FSC label by 2025.
Both brands and manufacturers can contribute to responsible forestry in their own ways by pledging to commit to simple actions.
How to get involved
For Brands and Retailers
Step 1
Sign the Commitment Letter:
Join the Canopy Style Initiative (if applicable)
Identify a stakeholder to represent the brand
Provide a logo for planned launch communications via email
Step 2
Prepare to Join the Pact:
Appoint a stakeholder to review FSC launch communications
Release a public statement on your commitment within 3 months of signing
Step 3
Label at Least One Garment Collection with the FSC Label by 2025:
Obtain the best FSC solution for you within one year of signing
Work with your suppliers, customers and FSC on moving towards your goals
Activate your label usage and spread the word
For Manufacturers
Step 1
Sign the Commitment Letter:
Identify a stakeholder to represent the brand
Provide a logo for planned launch
communications via email
Step 2
Prepare to Join the Pact:
Appoint a stakeholder to review FSC launch communications
Release a public statement on your commitment within 3 months of signing
Step 3
Get the FSC
Chain-of-Custody (CoC) certification:
Undergo FSC audit according to FSC Chain of Custody standard within 1 year of singing
Develop a certification roadmap and share with FSC
The list of brands and manufacturers committed to protecting forests worldwide continues to grow.